Thai Food Has healing benefits for you
Many love Thai food and so do me. It has a lot of healthy benefit and delicious taste. Thai foods included of variety of herbs, so it’s considered as a very healthy food and are known and eaten worldly. Herbs are like a medicine with a healing power to heal the body, support the body health, and less the disease effect on body. Do you know its benefit toward you and those who have diseases? I love to share some information I know and some fact from some articles.
Thai people love Tom Yum Gong, sour and spicy soup with shrimp. It’s very easy to make and add more kind of ingredients such as crab, mushroom, or squid. Its main herb ingredients are lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, and galangal. Herbs have a variety of uses including culinary, medicinal, and in some case spiritual usage. Using herbs for culinary, small amount is used to give food flavor than substance that will overcrowd other food ingredients.
According to www.ezythaicooking.com on Thai food articles, Tom Yum Gong is 100 times more effective in inhibiting cancerous tumor growth than other foods. The ratio of the cancer pattern in Asians, especially southeast Asians, is very low compared with the pattern in the European and Western countries.
Herbal gave a healing effect on our body, for example, benefits of garlic and cinnamon toward diabetic are known to cut blood sugar level and offer healthy blood circulations. People often ate this herb with salad or cooked food. Solanum torvum, turkey berry, is one of Thai herb used for healing diabetes by reduce blood sugar levels. Some of my friends doesn’t like herb at all because they said that some are too sour for them or it gave a weird lingering taste on their tongue. Even though herbals used in cooking and eaten and loved by many, there are some people who find it doesn’t taste good for them, and I do respect my friends for their hate.
Many kind of food does have a healing potential and Thai food aren’t the only one that is good. No matter what your choice of food, I suggest that you should include herbs as part of your daily meals such as salad is the basic start. It’s good for improve and heal human body and keep you healthy.