Famous Thai Food and Cuisines at Thai Restaurants In Phuket
Thai food is gaining popularity these days probably due to its delectable and sublime flavors and truly, there is no better way to get a taste of Thai cuisine than taking a vacation there, especially Phuket. From the smallest street cart to the high end chic restaurants, Thai food is generally amazing. You can try out various kinds of Thai cuisine, by eating either from the street vendors, a chic restaurant or at one of those restaurants found in five star hotels.
When you go out to dine in one of the many Thai restaurants in Phuket, you will find many Thai restaurants offering a wide range of delicious food made by expert chefs who like to experiment with different kinds of ingredients, while retaining the basic flavor of Thai food. Before you go out to dine in these kinds of restaurants, it is good to go online and check out their reputation and the quality of the food they serve. You can read reviews written by customers who have eaten there or look at the ratings. If you are a real foodie, when you order in the restaurant, you can ask the chef to prepare the dishes you have ordered as authentic as possible because some times, the chefs tend to tone down the chilies and spices if they see that you are a foreigner.
When you visit Phuket, make sure you don’t miss trying out various kinds of Thai food. Street food stalls and small Thai restaurants can be found on every corner serving various kinds of meals and other delicacies- from noodles, soup and seafood to everything in between. The unique flavor of Thai food has become famous all around the world. One of the best ways to explore all the flavors is to try out various kinds of snacks, sweets and meals from the streets.
Lemon grass and red or green chilies are one of the most common ingredients used in the preparation of most Thai food. The combination of fiery chilies and lemon grass makes a great contrast and really brings out the flavor of the food.
You will also find Phuket Thai restaurants serving food from other nations like French or Italian cuisine. Some of them make surprisingly good food while some of them are average. If you fancy some other cuisine, you can just ask around which restaurants make the best food. If you have the cash to shell out and want to eat gourmet style Thai food, you can go to one of the restaurants found inside five star hotels. Your palate will be delighted with the freshness and quality of the food being served. You will also be amazed at the attention to detail been given to the dishes and you will probably remember this particular dining experience for a long time.